Our Services
Detection Dogs
Our Projects

Conservation Detection Dog services
We can provide conservation detection dog surveys for:
Dead Bat Carcasses
Dead Bird Carcasses
Water Vole Latrines
We currently are a small team of three dogs and one handler with plans to expand in the future. Wren and Molly have over 90% average detection rate on all there trained odours.
Dogs are externally assessed for detection suitability and Natasha has been assessed by multiple detection companies for competency.


Bedbug Detection
We offer a two dog team for Bedbug Detection (NASDU) for private and pest control businesses to take advantage of our highly effective team of dogs with over 90% detection rate tested in double blind and scenario biased trials.
Passive methods such as Bedbug traps are less effective with only 20% detection success where as human inspection ranged between 50-80%. the use of dogs is a highly effective tool to use to screen large venues efficiently and aid human inspections.
If you are a pest control company in the South West interested in working alongside a dog team please contact us today.

Ecological Services

Qualified Ecologist and Ecological Consultant
Natasha is has degree qualifications in Biology Conservation BSc and Environmental Consultancy MSc. I have recently completed my PhD working with Wessex Water, RSPB, and Natural England to investigate into habitat improvement works, focusing on the creation of wetland features within the Moorlinch National Nature Reserve and SSSI, including restoration of an inlet wetland, ditch realignment work and construction of scrapes and shallow pools, to create a better habitat quality. Researching on the colonization of the newly created wetland habitats and their effectiveness for water quality improvement, specifically phosphorus reduction and biogeochemistry, therefore better informing our understanding of improving ecological diversity and resilience. Exploring concepts of paludiculture, gaseous exchange on peatlands, and contamination removal.
She has a Natural England license Level 1 for dormice and a Natural England license to hold dead bats.
Experienced in but not limited to:
UKHabs habitat assessments
BNG assessments
Bat walkover surveys
Hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) licensed for survey and monitoring work
Water vole (Arvicola amphibious) surveys
Beaver (Castor fiber) surveys
Report writing
Lowland peatland restoration
Freshwater invertebrates
Currently working for an Ecological Consultancy biased in Falmouth, Cornwall.

Additional Services

We provide additional services these include:
Guest trainer
Dog nutrition advice
121 Scentwork Training
Scentwork classes
Competitions in Scentwork and Gundog Scurries.
Natasha is a qualified UKCSD handler and instructor.
To Book onto any of our courses please email for a sign up sheet and payment details.